To say a simple thing

Monday, October 31, 2005

Installing windows 2000

實驗室那臺新電腦本來是裝 windows XP,可是每次開機都不能很順利的進入作業系統,每次都要使用還原才可以使用電腦,這個問題一直沒有辦法解決,於是今天我就狠下心來,要捨 windows XP 而就 windows 2000了。

首先,我連到學校的 ftp 抓了 windows 2000 的 ISO 檔燒錄到光碟片上 (IP 開頭不是 140.117 的不能抓),然後就開始安裝了,安裝過程非常順利,一開始裝完作業系統之後,因為顯示卡晶片是 ATI 的,而 windows 2000 沒有內建驅動 (windows XP 好像就有內建), 我就裝顯示卡的驅動程式,然後再裝主機板所提供的驅動程式 (網路卡、音效卡),然後在設定完這臺電腦的 IP 之後,就立刻受到 Sasser 病毒的攻擊,而且電腦立刻被感染,感染的兩個症狀是:

  1. 會跳出一個視窗寫著 60 秒之後就要關機。
  2. 會出現 lsass.exe 已經產生錯誤。

上面兩個問題非常棘手,因為第一個症狀出現後就只有一分鐘的時間可以使用電腦,而第二個症狀出現後電腦的系統資源就被耗盡,什麼事情都不能做。利用 google 大神找到的方法是安裝一個 patch ,問題是我要安裝這個 patch 的時候,網站要求我要更新到 sp2 或者以上,可是我只要一連上網路, lsass.exe 就會產生錯誤啊 !!! 而且更新到 sp2 需要一段蠻長的時間。

後來,我想到學校的 ftp 上面好像有 windows 2000 + sp3 的 ISO 檔 (那我一開始的時候,幹嘛不直接抓這個檔就好了),於是我就在拔掉網路線的情況下,重新安裝一次作業系統,然後安裝 patch,再連上網路時,這時果然不怕 Sasser 了,趕緊再連上 windows update 的網站,將所有重大的更新都裝上去。

ps. 當我 post 完這一篇文章後,立刻就有一篇英文的 comment,仔細一看原來是一篇廣告文,我猜他可能是一個程式,搜尋到 blog 內容有 Sasser 的字詞後,留下 comment。真是機車,sigh ... 我的第一篇 comment 居然是 spam 實在是點點點。剛才查了一下應該是遇到了 link spam。 我查到防堵 link spam 的方法是啟用字詞驗證的功能,預設是沒有開啟的。

Research progress

  1. week 1 (10/1): Reconsider the stability analysis problem of the LPV system using the descriptor system approach. Iwasaki pointed out that the LPV system can modeled as a descriptor system.
  2. week 2 (10/8): Compare the well-posedness approach with the descriptor system approach when dealing with the stability analysis problem of the LPV system.
  3. week 3 (10/15): Found a mistake in the previous week's comparsion and discovered that the number of state variables used in the descriptor system model had a important impact on the stability analysis result of the LPV system.
  4. week 4 (10/22): Propose a procedure for constructing the descriptor system from a given LPV system.
  5. week 5 (10/29): Give the definition of quadratic admissibility for a class of uncertain descriptor systems and derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the quadratic admissibility. I also discovered that the existence of a parameter dependent Lyapunov function for the LPV system is equivalent to the quadratic admissibility of the uncertain descriptor system associated with the given LPV system.
  6. week 6 (11/5): Found a better descriptor system model from the LPV system.
  7. week 7 (11/12): Found my better descriptor system model in the previous week makes no sense, and there was not much progress in this week.
  8. week 8 (11/19): A descriptor system approach for Fu and Dasgupta's result. Give the defintion of robust DR-admissibility.
  9. week 9 (11/26): A sufficient condition is proposed to ensure the robust DR-admissibility based on the concept of multiconvexity.
  10. week 10 (12/3): Starting to rewrite my previous notes. Lemma 1 is rewritten in such a way that the admissibility of a descriptor system is related to the detectability of a pair of matrices associated with the descriptor system.
  11. week 11 (12/10): The concept of DR-admissibility is introduced. Theorem 1 is outlined.
  12. (12/17): Busying NSC project.
  13. (12/24): Busying NSC project.
  14. week 12 (12/31): Modify Lemma 1 and Theorem 1. Proposition 1 and Corollary 1 are added.
  15. week 13 (1/7): Section 2: ``Stability analysis of LPV systems", is added.
  16. week 14 (1/14): Theorem 2 uses a frequency domain approach to derive a necessary and sufficient condition for DR-admissibility.
  17. week 15 (1/21): An attempt is made to develop a new proof for the generalized KYP lemma based on techniques used in Theorem 1 and 2.

ps. Last modified at Jan 23, 2006.

Monday, October 17, 2005

The papers

The papers I've studied during my PhD program:
  1. Jan C. Willems, ``Least squares stationary optimal control and the algebraic Riccati equation," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 621-634, 1971.
  2. Carsten W. Scherer and Siep Weiland, Linear Matrix Inequalities in Control.
  3. V. Balakrishnan and L. Vandenberghe, ``Semidefinite programming duality and linear time-invariant systems," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 30-41, 2003.
  4. Tetsuya Iwasaki and S. Hara, ``Well-posedness of feedback systems: insights into exact robustness analysis and approximate computations," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 619-630, 1998.
  5. Tetsuya Iwasaki and G. Shibata, ``LPV system analysis via quadratic separator for uncertain implicit systems," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1195-1208, 2001.
  6. Minyue Fu and S. Dasgupta, ``Parametric Lyapunov functions for uncertain systems: The multiplier approach," in Advances in Linear Matrix Inequality Methods in Control, L. El Ghaoui and S. Niculescu, Eds., 2000, pp. 95-108.



上個禮拜在練一首歌,叫阮的名。原因是在逛亞洲新人歌唱大賽歌曲分享區 這個網站時,無意間找到這首歌,這首歌是衛冕者吳俊宏,第一次參賽時演唱的歌曲 ,當時是拿到91.02分(接近完美),技驚四座,吳俊宏在這之後也一直以第一名衛冕。

叫阮的名這一首歌的原唱是巫啟賢。 巫啟賢是馬來西亞人,唱台語歌會讓人有些懷疑,我覺得他的台語咬字還算標準,只是我妹說某些地方聽起來還是怪怪的,會講台語的人唱起來應該不是這樣。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

叫阮的名 - 巫啟賢, 曲︰巫啟賢, 詞︰何啟弘

誰在叫阮的名 一句比一句痛
親像在問阮甘會驚寒 不需要別人來講 阮心內嘛知影
是你的聲 是你的聲

誰住在阮的夢 一住就一世人
尚驚日頭會將咱拆散 雖然離開那呢遠 阮猶原會知影
是你的影 是你的影

叫阮的名 阮用一生斟酌聽
當初細漢未赴乎你瞭解 你是阮的生命
叫阮的名 阮需要你來作伴 人生的路途阮愛你牽阮走


Friday, October 14, 2005


This is my first blog. The reason why I choose blogger
as the home of my blog is because of its simple and elegant design.

The following is my experience of blogging in blogger.

  1. I easily posted my fist article. Pretty user friendly. The editing interface is nice, which permits using html mode and WYSIWYG mode interchangeably.
  2. I wonder how to classify my articles and find this is really a problem. The solution I found: blogger分類法
  3. I discover that the html template was written by Jeffrey Zeldman . No wonder the quality of the blog's html output is so high.